


  • 公司: 上海柳虹电气有限公司
  • 地址: 浙江 温州
  • 联系: 黄月荣
  • 手机: 13506552010
  • 一键开店

上海柳虹电气有限公司(乐清市通泰电气成套厂)创建于1990年,专业生产刀开关、隔离开关等系列产品,使用于电力成套设备等,公司技术力量雄厚,检测设备齐全,多年来公司一直坚持科技兴业,产品通过了ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,所生产的产品取得了生产许可证,并通过了3C认证,产品质量由中国保险公司承保。 柳虹电气继续秉承以人为本、以科技求发展、以管理求效益、以质量求生存的企业方针,制定了“汇聚英才、创造精品”的企业发展战略,以优质的产品和先进的科学管理及完善的售后服务,立足市场,走向世界。 在新的世纪里,公司将一如既往地高举管理创新、科技创新,以高、精、尖的产品和更优质的服务,满足广大顾客的需求,并热忱欢迎各届有志之士莅临共商合作发展大计。 Shanghai Jubang Electrical Co., Ltd. (Yueqing Tongtai electric equipment factory) was founded in 1990, specializing in the production of knife switch, isolating switch series products, used in electric power equipment, the company strong technical force, testing equipment, over the years the company always adhere to the science and technology, the product passed the ISO9001:2000 quality system certification, production the product obtained the production license, and passed the 3C certification, quality of products covered by the China insurance company. Liu Hong Electrical continue to uphold the people-oriented, technology and development, to management for efficiency, to the quality strives for the survival of the enterprise policy, formulated the "development strategy of the enterprise gathering elite, create boutique", with the high quality products and advanced scientific management and perfect after sale service, set up the market, to the world. In the new century, the company will as in the past to hold high the management innovation, technology innovation, with high, fine, sharp product and service quality, meet the demands of the customers, and warmly welcome each session of a person of noble aspirations to discuss cooperation and development.



  • 主营: 低压电器元件,开关.
  • 地址: 浙江 温州
  • 联系: 黄月荣
  • 手机: 13506552010
  • 本站共被浏览过 542 次

