


  • 公司: 东莞市峻德化妆用具有限公司
  • 地址: 广东 东莞 东莞市凤岗镇天堂围村西旺工业区东二路2号A栋
  • 联系: 王燕梅
  • 手机: 15118269545
  • 电话: 0769-87779682
  • 一键开店

东莞市峻德化妆用具有限公司至今已有近15年的历史,属于外资企业\'\'进荣毛刷制品(深圳)有限公司”下属子公司。 本公司专注各类化妆毛刷、各式美容套刷、化妆品配套用具以及粉扑等美妆工具的研发与生产,款式时尚别致,品种多样,其产品通过了皮肤刺激测试和SGS环保各项测试。 本公司拥有独立的现代化建设厂房,引进韩国的先进设备及国外专业技术人才,公司已经通过ISO:9001 质量管理体系认证并多次通过客户、第三方认证机构的验厂和认证。 我们本着“优良的品质,合理的价格,个性化的客户服务”为宗旨,以雄厚的研发实力为客户量身开发设计新产品,不断开拓创新,并与诸多国外化妆品公司建立良好的合作关系,其产品深受广大客户的一致好评,每年五千万套以上的化妆用具产品从峻德走向世界,远销欧美、中东等多个国家,知名度逐步提升。 如果你对我们的任何产品感兴趣,请及时联系我们以获取更多信息,我们将在中国成为您忠实的合作伙伴。DongGuan Junde Cosmetics Hair Brush Products Co. Ltd which has been nearly 15 years of history is a subsidiary of foreign-funded enterprises--\"Jin Young Brush Products (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.\" The company focuses on all kinds of makeup brushes, all kinds of beauty sets of brush, cosmetics and other supporting tools and puffs and other beauty tools R & D and production. Its products are fashionable and various which has passed the skin irritation test and SGS environmental protection test etc. The company has independent modern construction, and the South Korea\'s advanced equipment and foreign professional and technical personnel were introduced, the company has also passed ISO: 9001 quality management system certification and is certified by customers, third-party certification\'s inspection and certification. The company has the spirit of \"excellent quality, reasonable price, personalized customer service\" for the purpose of designing new products for customers, developing unceasingly and establishing good relationships of cooperation with foreign cosmetics companies. Its products are well received by the majority of customers which are exported more than 50 million sets of cosmetics products to the whole world from JunDe each year, such as European countries and the Middle East countries and other countries with the increasing awareness. If you are interested in any of our products, please contact us for more information and we believe we will be your faithful partner in China.



  • 主营: 各类化妆毛刷,各式美容套刷,化妆品配套用具,粉扑等美妆工具
  • 地址: 广东 东莞 东莞市凤岗镇天堂围村西旺工业区东二路2号A栋
  • 联系: 王燕梅
  • 手机: 15118269545
  • 电话: 0769-87779682
  • 本站共被浏览过 2133 次

